The New Shooting Foul Rule

November 17, 2021

The league has gone off to a rough start with the new rule change about shooting fouls on shot attempts. The rules implemented into the NBA this year states that if a player initiates contact on a shot attempt, this is not a foul on the defense. Many players are still having to adjust to the new rule change, and some have exploited this rule to get a lot of their foul calls every season. One of the league’s top offensive threats, James Harden, had an average of 11.5 free throws attempted in the 2020 season. This season he has averaged only 7.3 free throw attempts a game. That is more than 4 free throws less than before the shooting foul rule was implemented. Although James Harden has been hit the hardest with this rule change, he isn’t the only one being affected. Players like Stephen Curry, Luka Doncic, and Trae Young have all been struggling to get to the free throw line. Personally I think that this rule change will improve the NBA and make the game more fun to watch as a fan. Before the rule change players could get anything they wanted on defense. Now this gives the defense more of a chance to guard offensive treats, such as James Harden, Stephen Curry, Trae Young, and other offensive treats.

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